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24 November 2012

More Sex

Perhaps the most ridiculous argument of all made by anti-polygamists is that "Polygamists only want more sex."  This statement is fundamentally flawed because ALL marriage includes an element of sex.  One could easily say to a single man marrying his first wife that he is only doing so because he "wants more sex."  Indeed, one would hope that he is blessed with more sex in his marriage than he had as a single man.  Can anyone making this argument present a case that it is normal for a couple, either mono or poly, to marry with no intention to be fruitful and multiply?  Yah forbid.  A sexless marriage not only is a drudgery, it borders on being a curse.

    Secondly, supposing a married man only "wanted more sex."  I could give millions of examples of men who have done just that.  Either they have hired a prostitute or have had secret relations with another single woman with no intention to form a family with her or, worst of all, have carried on an adulterous relationship with another man's wife.  Having "more sex" comes easily in our society.  Taking the responsibility of a family doesn't.  There are millions of bastards conceived out of wedlock because of men and women wanting "more sex."  A man who is a servant of the Most High wants the blessings of family.  He covets finding a "good thing" and raising godly seed.  He feels that it is his calling to expand the kingdom of YHWH by being fruitful and multiplying.  He takes wives for the blessings while considering the awesome responsibility that comes with expanding a family.  He seeks to follow the examples of our forefathers - Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, David and Solomon.   He recognizes that "in the beginning" set a precedent for the patriarchal family and trembles in fear of YHWH as he seeks to fulfill that divine mission.

Lastly, making such a statement not only shows ignorance of the Torah, it insults YHWH's anointed throughout the ages.  At the least, it makes men that YHWH favored nothing but self-satisfying perverts.  It also questions the origins of not only the people of Israel (brought forth by a man with four wives), but the origins of the Messiah Yahushua Himself who comes from that lineage and promises to take each believer as a wife unto Himself.

I pray that anyone making such a foolish statement would repent and think things through.  And I pray that many servants of YHWH find many wives and have plenty of "more sex" and build YHWH's kingdom through raising godly seed.

1 comment:

  1. Great discussion in regards to polygamy in a modern context:
