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20 October 2012

Tackling Not So "Traditional Marriage"

Tackling Not So "Traditional Marriage"

By The RAMYK-Rabbi Apostle Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky
Moon 8 Day 4 5972 Since Creation-October 2012

QUESTION-VERY IMPORTANT! Who gets the final word and who gets to define TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE? Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Perry Stone, Joel Osteen, Evangelicals, Messianics or FATHER YHWH in heaven? WHOSE DEFINITION IS FINAL AND PURE? And, how do those definitions differ? If one reviews Hebrews chapter 11, we find many heroes of the Judeo-Christian faith. What kind of marriages did they have? Traditional or non-traditional? And if traditional, how did that tradition differ from what we today call traditional?
Now nowhere in Scripture does YHWH, the Creator and Savior of all men, state that kosher or traditional marriage is between "ONE" MAN AND "ONE" WOMAN! THIS IS MERELY ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE FOSSILIZED CUSTOMS WE HAVE INHERITED FROM PAGANS. Yirmeyahu-Jeremiah 16:19.
Despite evangelical pounding and non-stop usage of this unbiblical phrase to somehow make it seem that this is what Scripture actually records, YHWH's words are quite different. So different in fact that traditional marriage is only defined as between HETEROSEXUAL GENDERS, not ever even remotely as limited to "ONE" MAN AND "ONE" WOMAN from each gender.
As you are about to discover, perhaps surprisingly, church and state definitions, along with that of western society regarding traditional marriage, is an invention of the deprivation of man's minds, against the Creator. The now widely accepted definition of traditional marriage as between one man and one woman exclusively, is not only a deception from pagan non-Hebraic cultures, but an outright twisting of YHWH's Words in both the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Brit Chadasha ("New Testament"). We call that a BIG LIE. Just because the churches have repeated a lie for some 2,000 years and just because the modern Messianic movement has repeated it without stopping to question it or line it up with what Torah actually says, DOES NOT GIVE MANKIND THE PERMISSION OR AUTHORITY to redefine marriage as traditionally between "one" man and 'one" woman.
So does Scripture define traditional marriage? Yes it does. And as we are about to find out that traditional marriage is defined not by man, but by YHWH's Word alone. And in YHWH's Word, we find that what makes a marriage traditional is not whether it is monogamous or polygynous, but rather, whether its homo or heterosexual based and whether it does or does not violate other Torah prohibitions, like marrying your own sister or daughter etc. We will now correct the "traditional marriage" lie not with the words of Dr. James Dobson or Dr. Charles Stanley, but with the words of Doctor Abba YHWH (Primary Physician) and the referrals of the Great Jewish Specialist Physician, Yahushua ben Yah!
Beresheeth-Genesis 1:27-So the Word of Elohim [1] created man in His own image, in the image of Elohim He created him; male and female He created them.

Now notice the first reference to TRADITIONAL BIBLICAL marriage! MALE AND FEMALE, or in Hebrew, ZACHAR VE-NEKAYVAH.

Are there any references to the "limitation" lie of ONE male and ONE female? Make sure you answer this HONESTLY and without presumptions!

Those words are RELIGIOUS INSERTIONS MY FRIENDS, learned from the PAGAN NATIONS!! YHWH blesses patriarchy (the original design where a male oversees a female) and yet does not limit how many ONE FLESH COVENANTS can exist between a man and a woman! Only that the true ORIGINAL TRADITIONAL PATRIARCHAL MARRIAGE MODEL, MUST INCLUDE A MAN AND A WOMAN, not a man and man or a woman and woman, or any form of Polyamory. Now let's look at Beresheeth-Genesis 2:21-25:

21 And YHWH Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall upon Ahdahm and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place;
22 And with the rib that YHWH Elohim had taken from man, He made a woman, and brought her to the man.
23 And Ahdahm said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Isha, because she was taken out of Ish.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his abba and his eema, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be basar echad.
25 And they were both naked, the ish and his isha, and were not ashamed.
Here again traditional marriage is seen as between "A" MAN AND "A" WOMAN, referring to GENDER, not to numerical considerations! As we see throughout Scripture, from Gideon, and Caleb to Moses and to Yahushua Himself (Jeremiah 31:31-35, Ezekiel 37, Matthew 25:1) a MAN, JUST LIKE OUR MESSIAH THE TRUE AND PERFECT SECOND ADAM, is allowed to make MANY ONE FLESH COVENANTS with any eligible woman. That's exactly what Yahushua has done with us, as we ALL became eligible by His atoning blood! It is most important to note that the first Adam was not perfect and cannot teach us the original pattern for "traditional marriage." THE SECOND ADAM THE PERFECT MASTER FROM HEAVEN, shows us by His shared love, that this is love and traditional marriage in its purest and most SELFLESS form, but indeed the most challenging. A task for the second not the first Adam. YHWH does not define traditional marriage based on numerical considerations, but based on gender alone and the availability of the eligible females. THAT VERY PHRASE "TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE" WHILE SOUNDING QUITE PIOUS, IS A S.A.TANIC TRAP, AS THAT PHRASE APPEARS NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE and it should alert you to an awaiting snare from the mindset of the gentiles!

THE OVERRIDING POINT IS THAT TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE IS WHAT YAHUSHUA SAYS IT IS, not what the Pope or the Methodists, TBN or anyone else says it is. It is time for ALL true bible believers to make a full and MOST HUMBLE TESHUVAH-RETURN-REPENTANCE back to true traditional marriage, which can be either mono or plural heterosexual.

True traditional marriage is all about gender and the eligibility of the perspective female. Now religion is truly such an opiate of the people, that some will fall back on Yahushua's very own Words in Matthew 19, actually believing that they will somehow find the "one man" "one woman" assertions of the modern Messianic movement and Christianity. [The original Messianic Nazarenes were not fooled by today's Messianic pagan versions of traditional marriage] That somehow they will find justification for their inherited lies about traditional marriage by pinpointing the Word "ONE" as in "ONE" man married to only "ONE" woman. But as we are all about to see, they are sadly mistaken, as Yahushua's Words, the very Giver of the Torah, cannot contradict the same Words He gave originally to Moshe/Moses. Let's look at Matthew 19 very carefully:

3 The Prushim also came to Him, tempting Him, and saying to Him, Is it permitted in Torah for a man to put away his wife for any and every cause?
4 And He answered and said to them, Have you not read, that He who made them in Beresheeth made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave abba and eema, and shall cleave to his wife: and the two shall be one flesh? [2]
6 Therefore they are no more two, but basar echad. What therefore YHWH has joined together, let not man put asunder.
7 They said to Him, Why did Moshe then command to give a Get, and to put her away?
8 He said to them, Moshe because of the hardness of your levavot allowed you to put away your wives: but from the beginning and from eternity [3] it was not so.    
9 And I say to you, Whoever shall divorce his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery: and whoever marries her who has not yet been divorced [4] does commit adultery.    
10 His talmidim said to Him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not tov to marry.
11 But He said to them, All men cannot receive your saying, except those to whom it is given.    

Now as we examine things in verse 3, the Pharisees were not seeking truth, but a mere prolonged self justifying argument. Just like many of you!

THE TOPIC IN VERSE 3 OF MATTITYAHU-MATTHEW 19 IS WHAT IS AND IS NOT PERMITTED REGARDING DIVORCE. The subject matter is not monogamy or polygyny! The church and the evangelic anti-Torah Messianics have made it such, sometimes to cover their own sinful divorces. But that is not the question, topic or the trap. The Pharisaic trap is over the issue of divorce. In verse 4 Yahushua asks a rhetorical question regarding "traditional marriage," reaffirming the very same thing that Yahushua said earlier to Moshe/Moses before He came to earth as our Savior! IN BERESHETH/THE BEGINNING/IN THE FIRST BOOK OF TORAH, YHWH MADE "TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE," AS THAT BETWEEN ANY MALE AND ANY ELIGIBLE FEMALE, ZACHAR VE-NEKAYVAH.

Now where in verse 4 of Mattityahu 19 does Yahushua the SON OF YHWH, state that monogamy or polygyny is ok or not ok? Nowhere! That's not the topic/subject/discussion matter. He is not redefining traditional marriage but confirming traditional marriage as defined by heterosexual unions between the eligible. These heterosexual unions CANNOT AND MUST NOT BE BROKEN BY DIVORCE.The subject at hand is divorce, NOT WHAT CONSTITUTES "TRADITIONAL" marriage, which every Jew and every Hebrew from all backgrounds, knew back then, can either be the heterosexual monogamous or the heterosexual polygynous model! If they did not know that they were not Jews or Israelites but pagans, who actually were the ones that did redefine marriage, as they blindly continue to do today!



Obviously that was added so as to justify their lascivious lifestyle of divorce on demand, a practice of many spiritual leaders today. These same leaders condemn a righteous practice, as they want the sex in a new marriage, rather than the eternal obligations associated with more than one covenant partner, which is far more expensive, burdensome and less economical. And by twisting Scripture and making polygyny the issue, placing it on trial, they are able to vilify polygynists, who obey YHWH in all their covenant responsibilities and at the same time justify their own sinful and lustful serial monogamy. And like the Pharisees, many today in the body of Yahushua, have fallen prey to the same self righteous justification, putting others on trial for living kosher, in an attempt to justify a litany of lustful marriages, divorces and remarriages, as ways to start having fresh and exciting flesh sex, usually with a younger woman, in a new marriage, or worse yet, outside of it entirely. YHWH's ways are better; nullifying the very need for divorce, if men and women of humility would simply follow His instructions, as opposed to laying out the same trap as our Pharisaical forefathers, through their hard hearts and misguided attempts at self justification.

I hope that no one reading this is content in living in and believing a lie in such a vital area as what exactly constitutes a traditional marriage. Now recall that the issue being addressed in Matthew chapter 19 is divorce and when it is permitted and when it is not. Heterosexual monogamy as well as heterosexual plural marriage are both seen as traditional, as both meet the gender criteria.

Now verse 5 of Matthew 19 does not support or define traditional marriage as monogamy or plural. What verse 5 does do is undergird "traditional marriage" as whenever a man leaves parents to go take an eligible wife. NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY. Every time this process occurs, A NEW ONE FLESH COVENANT is established by ANY TWO, NOT LIMITED TO ONE SET OF TWO! YHWH does not limit the amount of times this process is allowed to occur, nor the subsequent number of covenants that are allowed to be sealed for time and eternity. The point being that all the ONE FLESH UNIONS between a male and an eligible female are for time and eternity AND MUST NEVER BE ANNULLED OR LEAD TO A DIVORCE. There is one exception to this steadfast rule as seen in Yahushua's Words in verse 8 of Matthew 19. Moses-Moshe Rabainu allowed DIVORCE because of mankind's hard hearts. When a man divorces his wife for mere feelings or hurt emotions, or failed expectations of some sort, is what YHWH HIMSELF DEFINES AS "THE FORESAKNG OF THE WIFE OF HIS YOUTH" AND THE "DEALING TREACHEROUSLY" with her. See Malachi 2:14-16 in its PROPER CONTEXT!

In those verses IN CONTEXT, YHWH says He hates DIVORCE; NOT POLYGYNY, because it is a treacherous act against a man's wife or any of his wives. Polygyny is not what YHWH says He hates; but divorce HE HATES.

We read:

14 Yet you say, Why? Because YHWH has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously: yet she is your companion, and the wife of your brit. [5] 
15 And did not He make them echad? And the rest of the ruachim are His also. [6] And why echad? That he might seek a zera from Elohim. [7] Therefore take heed to your ruach, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.
16 For YHWH, the Elohim of Yisrael, says that He hates divorce: [8] like the one who covers his sin with his garment, says YHWH tzevaoth: therefore guard your ruach, that you deal not treacherously with her.

Notice that many SPIRITS-RUACHIM OR PEOPLES can form one flesh covenants not limited to "one" man and "one" woman to establish the echad-one flesh principle. That can be established by any 2, male and female, from among the eligible RUACHIM-SPIRITS! And none should seek divorce which He hates!

How ironic that much of the misled Messianic movement and church system treasure the divorce option, which YHWH HATES and turns around and condemns or HATES POLYGYNY, which YHWH blesses and considers kosher within the realm of His permissive and even His perfect will. Any male and female that YHWH has joined in marriage let no man separate or put asunder. Please note the "plural reference" in the term "putting away your WIVES." in verse 8 of Matthew 19. Please note that in Malachi 2:16, YHWH declares that DIVORCE and not polygyny is like a garment or a cloak by humans, to conceal or hide a man's sins. Polygyny is never referred to as a sin that men use as a garment or cloak.

And just in case you're still confused as to whether Matthew 19 is about divorce, or the alleged "one" man "one" woman "traditional" marriage model, in verse 9 Yahushua says divorce is NEVER ALLOWED OR PERMITTED BY YHWH, EXCEPT IN THE MATTER OF A WOMAN'S ADULTERY OR A MAN'S FORNICATION. These verses then have absolutely nothing to do with limiting "traditional marriage" to 'one" man and "one" woman, nor is it any kind of clarification that marriage is traditionally defined as "one" man and "one" woman. Rather, that DIVORCE IS WHAT YHWH HATES, not polygyny and that ANY "TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE" AS DEFINED BY BOTH TORAH AND BY THE LIVING TORAH YAHUSHUA, cannot be broken for any reason other than sexual unfaithfulness [By the way, an absent or disappearing spouse, is one that has become sexually unfaithful and is a sure fire grounds for divorce; this can include physically absent, as well as sexually absent from covenant duties].

Also the terms used here in verse 9 for fornication and adultery, are used interchangeably by Yahushua, rather than Torah gender specifics, to refer to general marriage infidelity by both genders. He is not driving home that married women commit adultery when unfaithful and married men commit fornication by having sex with a married woman or a single woman and then refusing to marry her. They understood the Torah technicalities; He merely summarizes this with broad terms that had become equivalent to sexual sin and indiscretion, to show them that infidelity alone was the only grounds for divorce.

Having more than one covenant wife does not qualify as marital unfaithfulness, for if it were, both Torah and Ha Adon Yahushua, the Living Torah, would no doubt have stated such an important issue in no uncertain terms, not to mention, they would not practice it either; and yet they (YHWH and His Son-Himself in flesh) are in a love covenant with ALL OF US SIMULTANEOUSLY and it is called the highest form known as agape love; unconditional pure and shared without condition.

Moreover Matthew 19 verse 9 teaches us that even with the limited divorce allowance; no one can marry AN UNDIVORCED WOMAN, meaning a woman must be eligible for marriage.

In conclusion then, what makes marriage traditional is what YHWH and Yahushua have to tell us, as we are HIS DISCIPLES; HE IS NOT OURS. We follow His Word; He is not bound to follow our perceptions or feelings, or learned gentile traditions. Those who continue to perpetuate the LIE and the myth that YHWH's Word defines marriage as only between "ONE" MAN AND "ONE" WOMAN alone, at the exclusion of a man with several covenant wives, (the very practice of YHWH Himself), have bought into a lie and a dysfunctional disorder of the highest degree, even a lie that exceeds the so called "rapture" lie. A DARK FOSSILIZED CUSTOM, ABOVE ALL OTHER SUCH LEARNED AND INHERITED CUSTOMS, that directly affect our Israelite lifestyles and our abilities to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. We have bought the lie while Allah in his Koran, has put in the truth about "traditional" marriage, thus allowing Islam to suffocate both YHWH'S TRUTH and His desired blessings for the myriads for Jacob's seed. Islam has thus filled the void created by our collective ignorance and pride and our emotional responses to the truth of plural marriage, yet it remains just as "traditional" as heterosexual monogamy.

Thankfully however, as Rav Sholiach Shaul states, the 'WORD OF YHWH, UNLIKE THE OPINIONS OF MERE MEN,' CANNOT BE CHAINED and therein do we greatly take hope and therein do we greatly rejoice, despite our struggles with unbiblical traditions and opinions of men! It is high time that those of us, who are committed to truth, return and make repentance, so as to adopt the Creator's view and His Son's view on what exactly defines a "traditional marriage" for both time and eternity! Again, the words "ONE" before man and woman are human inserts. All those who add them and who proclaim their insertion as somehow inspired, will have to give an account one day soon for lack of truth and abundance in the tents of Shem! Selah! 

[1] Aramaic Targum; Onkelos.
[2]YHWH's will for marriages and Yisrael's two-house restoration. See Ephesians 5:31-32.
[3] Shem Tov reference.
[4] Aramaic Peshitta uses the word "shbikta" meaning undivorced, or not yet put away. This lines up with Torah more so than the Greek versions of the Renewed Covenant, which seem to forbid any kind of remarriage. The Aramaic allows for remarriage, as does Torah, but not until a full and legal divorce of any prior marriage has taken place. This prevents remarriage before a prior marriage has been dissolved. See Matthew 5:32.
[5] Rampant divorce in both houses of Yisrael was another reason for our exile.
[6] Aramaic Peshitta.
[7] That Yisrael would collectively be His son.
[8] DSS, LXX: "For if you hate and divorce" says YHWH Elohim of Yisrael.

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