By Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky
Would Moses, Noah, Yahushua and Abba YHWH Be Asked to Leave Your Congregation or Hebraic Roots Movement?
Is Your Church Background Still Tripping You in a Full Return to Your Hebraic roots?
Editorial by The RAMYK
Delivered by the authorization of the Burden of YHWH
Moon 8 Day 3 5992 SC
This will be a short prophetic word. The Scriptures need no defense and are clear. I will not list hundreds of verses, as that's been done in the excellent works I list below and also because as a true Torah disciple it's your job to study things out!
There is and most likely will continue to be a major problem with most Messianic synagogues/groups and churches at the end of this age, as there has been for the last 1,700 years. Things will not change much until Yahushua returns and fixes this world's anti-Moshiach world order (See Isaiah chapter 4). Religion and religious traditions die hard and cannot be repaired in most cases. Yahushua could have but chose not to fix religious systems, or secular systems that worked hand in glove with the religious orders of His day to place men in spiritual and even physical bondage. These unholy tandems have motivated and in many cases forced mankind, men and women to sin sexually. Many of you reading this now are sinning sexually, because you have knowingly, or unknowingly bought in to a world order of Greco-Romanism taught by your leaders, or websites online that Yahushua, the prophets of Israel and Moses himself knew nothing about. Yahushua and the prophets HATE divorce and the serial monogamy behaviors that Israelite men desire, which moves them to divorce the wives of their youth, despite YHWH's Word. Religion has twisted the Words of Malachi 2:14-16, teaching that YHWH hates polygamy, seen INCORRECTLY by religion as adultery, but tolerates and even encourages divorce. If polygamy is adultery, then we can throw our Bibles in the trash anon, as YHWH, Yahushua and Moses the author of Torah itself all would be adulterers. How many would attend a congregation where the minister is thrice divorced, but not if he has three kosher COVENANT lifetime marriages and is faithful to them all? Most of you, which is why you need a wake-up call in Yahushua's love and a RETURN to TORAH, not to Torah teachers that miss the mark and are blind guides to the sheep of Yisrael! Do you understand the difference?
Since religion and their systems will be overthrown (not fixed) at Yahushua's coming and His earthly Torah based kingdom, we need to come out of those systems that entice, cause and yes even sanction mankind to sin. The ROMAN-TIC system subscribed to by most of the Messianic and church world is a plain abomination to YHWH. There are many excellent books written about marriage and biblical marriage law. There is no sense in reinventing the wheel in this brief prophetic warning. One of the best books based solely on Scripture is Resurrecting the Biblical Family-Men and Women in Biblical Law by Tom Shipley. See http://www.newcovenantpatriarchy.com
Shipley documents over 40 documented leaders and key men in Israel who practiced biblical patriarchy with YHWH's blessings and without a single word about missing His perfect will or a single word of rebuke.
I suggest attaining a downloadable copy immediately to study the issues from a legal biblical perspective. Yet that is not the point of this warning.
The Torah is clear on biblical marriage. There are no words in Hebrew for monogamy or polygamy just marriage. That should tell us something right there. Moses the author of Torah had 2 wives; this cannot be clearer, even though many twist his words and try to make it seem as if Tzipporah was the Ethiopian woman. Tzipporah was the first at the time of the Exodus and some 11-12 years later the Ethiopian woman appears, and because she was black and a "second wife" they rose up against him, including the leaders and his very own kinsmen. The irony is that while most Messianic and Hebrew roots congregations love and study the Torah, the very author of the Torah would be granted the right foot of fellowship and not allowed to enter most of their places. Add to that list men like Noah (2 wives Sefer Yahshar), Benjamin (many wives Sefer Yahshar), Jacob, Gideon, Abraham, Japheth some of the 12 apostles (see my book) and many others. They would be removed, or prohibited from entering these monogamy only church camps based on their kosher biblical choice of a plural lifestyle. Now ask yourself this poignant question! Do I attend a place of worship that claims to embrace all of Torah and the Neviim, all the while removing the author of Torah, along with the Judges and Neviim of Torah from membership were they physically alive today?
Do you attend or support such a place? Would your pastor, or rabbi welcome all kinds of biblical kosher families, or would he single out people like Noah and Moses and mark them to be ostracized? If Moshe and David and Abraham and many other heroes of the faith would be asked to leave due to their scripturally kosher lifestyle, is that a place where you and your family want to be and want to be supporting? Maybe you should ask your leader the hypothetical question and wait to see their response. Make sure they are not granting you lip service by saying plural families are welcome. They can say that, but when one actually shows up, most succumb to the peer pressure of other members and elders. Rare is the leader that can, or is willing to stand up to these religious lynchings. Those who do will pay a great price in the loss of reputation, the false witnesses that will arise against them and their popularity and yet they are worthy of your love, prayers, compassion and support.
Again the purpose of this short editorial is not to make the case for Scripture. The case is made as any lawyer would by Tom Shipley and also in my 450 page book Sex and the Believer
that has turned these hypocritical congregations and their arrogant anti marriage members upside down. Why would anyone want to attend a group that claims to be Torah observant, or Torah based when the fact is that they would throw Moses, Tzipporah and the Ethiopian woman to the curb together?
And what about Yahushua Himself, a polygamist with two sister wives? Oh you claim to believe and support the TWO HOUSE TRUTH, but deny the TWO SISTER WIVES that Yahushua loves and died to make ECHAD-one family? No friend. You are no true two house believer! Don't be offended be willing to be challenged! You cannot condone the persecution and abuse heaped towards this kosher lifestyle and claim your ministry is to make the 2 sister wives one in Yahushua. Go and learn what this means...I desire mercy and not sacrifice, or messianic trappings for that matter. Hebraic culture is a lifestyle not merely a Jewish arts and crafts experience. Ezekiel 23 and many other Scriptures are CRYSTAL clear. The 2 houses are 2 rebellious sister wives, the daughters' of one mother! Yahushua has come to cry out for both and re-marry-re-covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) both wives in His own righteousness family.
Since we know that Yahushua is the express image of YHWH, then YHWH the Father also is A-The Patriarch, as it is He that has sent Yahushua to gather the 2 wayward wives-sticks that He was-is married to. Ephesians 5:22-23 speaks of a mystery between the Bridegroom and His wife, made up of many members, all married to Him simultaneously, not in serial monogamous marriage and divorce fashion, followed by another marriage and divorce. The original model as most assert was not monogamy. If the premise is wrong, the conclusion of a matter will be too. The original model in the Garden of Eden was NOT MONOGAMY OR POLYGAMY. Read that AGAIN!!! It was in fact PATRIARCHY, meaning the woman was made for and as a helpmeet subordinate to the man, under his love and care! If that bothers you, you have discovered the root of the problem with the modern marriage paradigm that most have bought into. Adam's alleged monogamy (we don't know that for sure, as many Jewish sources speak of another wife) was due to circumstance (only one woman around) not to some kind of mandated kosher model, or original pattern. YHWH's original intent was neither monogamy, nor plural marriage. It was pure subordinate patriarchy, where the husband heads the wife/wives, even as Messiah heads the brides of Judah and Efrayim in their own restoration. Again if this statement makes you cringe, you're either a woman who does not understand biblical marriage and family, or a man who has been brainwashed by the apparent evils of modernity and the subtle sound waves of the 'woman's liberation from Yahushua' movement. Both monogamy and polygamy fall under the ORIGINAL PATRIARCHAL MODEL, both being kosher, yet flawed and soiled by mankind. Adam's surroundings and circumstances decided things for him. Are we ever going to get this right, or will we rather continue to argue with YHWH's Word, in the end opposing ourselves and our nation's 2 house restoration? Both monogamy and plural marriage can be His perfect will for you! You must seek it for yourself, not vicariously through a westernized religious leader closed, or blind to the full picture of biblical marriage.
To say that YHWH allowed plural marriage, which is allegedly evil and adulterous, because of men's hearts, is to accuse YHWH of sanctioning, blessing and tolerating evil by allowing evil to procreate and spread in a holy nation, when Scripture clearly states that Abba YHWH is of PURER EYES THAN TO EVEN BEHOLD INIQUITY, LET ALONE TOLERATE IT UNDER SOME SUPPOSED OUTDATED DISPENSATION. Sadly Messianics by and large have adopted this church pabulum without asking any real hard questions, like they do with the false doctrine of all food and pig is now clean in Jesus-Hey-soos Christ. No friends; it has been your religion of choice that has prevented you from coming into social networking and alignment with YHWH. One cannot claim to be Yisrael and a Hebraic roots seeker, all the while dismissing the lifestyle that brought blessing and favor upon our own forefathers. These are the same heroes of the faith listed in Hebrews 11 and yet all of them like Noah and Jeptah and Gideon and Moses himself, along with the living Elohim would be thrust out of most Hebraic congregations. When the author of Israelite life is not welcome, then the place becomes a temple of the dead not the living Elohim.
Now is the time to stand for ALL truth; YHWH is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, even more than the pressure to be aligned to a ROMANTIC system, that denies the Living Unchangeable Elohim of the Bible, and who in the clearest possible terms through men like Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Torah itself, portrays Yahushua Himself as a polygamist Patriarch. The theme carries over unchanged into the Brit Chadasha-New Covenant, as seen in MANY places such as Matthew chapter 25 and the 10 virgin parable all married to Messiah, as well as places such as First Corinthians 5:1, one where a son sleeps with his father's wife, not his own mother. The fact that the early Mormons stole and perverted something YHWH blesses is not the issue, but it is our problem, if we as a nation do not reclaim the lifestyle as our fathers' were the ones to whom the lifestyle was initially given to be the blessed seed rather than Esau the cursed seed. The devil has injected Islam with polygamy, so he can take an alternate route to crush the seed (collective) of the woman.......Yahushua and His bride/s (Judah and Efrayim-Joseph).
The Book of Revelation is all about the risen Yahushua instructing (Torah) His various brides in Asia Minor. It is high time grow up and shut out the voices and then yes, even the very congregations that would not have any remorse to shamefully and smugly throw out most of the heroes of our faith. If you are a leader, or pastor, or rabbi I hope you are allowing the Set Apart Spirit to convict you. Or if you know of such a closed minded leader, please forward this to them in hope and love of the kadosh harvest!
And if the truth be told, if Yahushua-YHWH and Moses would not be welcome in these serial monogamist camps with a 60%-80% divorce rate, then neither should you and yours sanction such places by your alignment with them. It is up to the leaders who are rogue, like Miryam, in her opposition to plural marriage, to get into alignment with the Torah and the New Covenant and not for men and women to get into alignment with religion, personal feelings-preferences, or with the big brother secular state by the conduit of their emotions. Selah
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