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29 August 2010

Polygamist Perverts

"Polygamists are a bunch of perverts!" is the cry heralded by anti-polygamists once they realize that not one verse of scripture supports their position. It is the perfect example of going from the ludicrous to the insane. Let me begin by asking the following two questions:

1) What is the definition of "perverted"?"

I have found that those leveling the accusation rarely know the definition of the word. Perversion, in scriptural use, means "twisted, out of line with YHWH's laws, wicked, etc" Homosexuality is rightly defined as "perverted" because the plain teaching of scripture is that it is sinful. Some other examples of perversion would be sex with a close relative, sex with a menstruating woman, keeping any Roman calendar day as the true Shabbat, adding to or taking away from the word of YHWH, buying or selling on Shabbat, etc. These things are perversions because YHWH says that they are wrong.

Now, if you are calling polygamy perverted, you are saying that it is against YHWH's word. And since that position cannot be backed by Scripture - it is adding to His word. Also, since it is expressly allowed and even sometimes commanded in scripture - it is taking away from His word. Thus CALLING POLYGAMY PERVERTED IS PERVERTED!!! We have already looked at the fact that YHWH himself is metaphorically a polygamist. We have also looked at several men whom the scripture says we will sit next to in the kingdom of YHWH were polygamists. We also know that men like Dawid and Shlomo were polygamists and anointed by YHWH. (Remember the command to "touch not my anointed"?) By your own admission, you are attacking some of the very men that YHWH called "perfect". Are you also implying that YHWH is perverted? (Which is impossible because He cannot sin!)

2) Can Monogamists be perverted?

Also, if you are referring to "abnormal sexual behavior", what makes you think that monogamists are not perverted? While I would be the first to agree that monogamy in itself isn't perverted, I would also be the first to say that forced monogamy IS perverted!

1Ti 4:1-3 "But the Spirit distinctly says that in latter times some shall fall away from the belief, paying attention to misleading spirits, and teachings of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having been branded on their own conscience, forbidding to marry..."

I would also point out that OVER 99% of all crime is committed by monogamists. (True, it is because of forcing monogamy on most of the world's inhabitants. However, it proves that monogamy DOES NOT EQUAL perfect. What is the divorce rate among monogamists? 50-73% in the United States. (I will discuss this in detail in a later article)

Among self-described "kinky" people, they have a saying "YKINMK" which stands for "Your kink is not my kink" Some couples engage in behaviors such as spanking, costumes, role-playing, etc. While these behaviors might be described as "kinky", it doesn't mean necessarily that they are sinful. Without going off on a tangent, let's suffice to say that couples engage in a wide array of sexual activities. The point that I'm making is that unless YHWH forbids something, it is not wrong. Sexual behaviors vary from marriage to marriage, but YHWH's word gives us the groundwork upon which to judge our actions. Adultery is ALWAYS sinful. Why? Because YHWH says so! Homosexuality is ALWAYS sinful. Why? Because YHWH says so! Polygamy is NEVER sinful. Why? Because YHWH did not say it was - not even once!

There is nothing "perverted" about polygamy. If I, as a married American man decided to have 10 girlfriends on the side and managed to keep it a secret from my wife, I would be considered a "stud" by the standard of society. But, if I loved and honored those ten women, if I married them and took them into my home, if I kept no secrets from my first wife, if I supported them and any offspring and raised and nurtured them in the fear and admonition of Yahuwah - 90% of those who call themselves "Bible believing Christians" would call me "perverted." Yes, I would have sexual relations with all ten of them, however, any thrill would be quickly outlived by the day-to-day care and duties I would take upon myself as their husband. Polygamy isn't a one night stand, it is a lifetime commitment. Taking a wife or wives must be considered carefully - it is above all additional souls that a man will be responsible for and for whom he will give an account. To cheapen polygamy by referring to it as "perverted" is to cheapen marriage itself. It would be like comparing "Holy" matrimony with a rumble with your secretary. If a man marries, either one woman or many, he must do so for more than sexual reasons. She/they isn't/aren't a sex toy(s), she/they are a real flesh and blood human being(s). Do monogamists marry for sex? Yes! Unfortunately, many do. But when the initial thrill wears off, where do they find themselves. Polygamists aren't all perfect, and some make the same mistakes as monogamists. But, we should never dare to utter a word against what YHWH has called Kadosh!

Our very definitions of right and wrong must come from unleavened whole-wheat scripture, not our human desires or sinful society's standards. What HE says is right is ALWAYS right. What HE says is wrong is ALWAYS wrong. YHWH never permitted sin and will never permit it.

For those who have blasphemed YHWH and His word by calling polygamy perverted, I remind you of His mercy and call you to repentance before it is too late!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article. Should be posted in every x-ian magazine and messianic publication. Keep it up, Shaul.
