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19 June 2010

Original vs current plan for marriage

One of the most commonly attempted arguments against polygamy makes the assertion that polygamy is supposedly not the "original plan of YHWH for marriage". This assertion is based solely upon two sequential factors.

1. Yahushua's reference to "in the beginning" in Verse 4 of the Mattithyahu 19:3-9 passage, and thus,

2. the "Beginning" story: Ahdahm and Chavah.

That "in the beginning" phrase, which Yahushua used there, of course, was only addressing divorce, not polygamy.

Moreover, there is an additional very exegetically important matter to note about all this. Namely, the very story of "the beginning" (with Ahdahm and Chavah) ---indeed, the entire book of Genesis (which in Hebrew is called B'reisheet which means "In the beginning")--- was written by Moshe. And Moshe was a polygamist with at least two wives! Certainly, the very mortal author of the story "in the beginning" would know what he wrote and whether his own polygamy was not part of "YHWH's plan" (if it was not)!

Accordingly, it is clear that that phrase, "in the beginning", is simply not relevant to the topic of polygamy, anyway.

Nevertheless, though, that phrase is what forms the basis for the subsequent factor pertaining to Ahdahm and Chavah.

Namely, the argument asserts that, because the Scriptures only record that YHWH seemingly only made "one Chavah" for Ahdahm, that somehow implies an "original plan of YHWH for marriage" only for monogamy. The resulting implied speculation from that is that polygamy is to be perceived as somehow against that perceived "original plan of YHWH for marriage".

Upon deeper investigation, however, that speculative assertion does not hold up.

If doctrine would hold people to a perceived "original plan of YHWH", then at least two things must also be binding upon mankind. For examples,

1. people must only walk around in nudity, and

2. people must never die.

Of course, to suggest such things is an absolute absurdity.

According to the Scriptures, the reason that those two examples are obviously not binding as doctrine is because of Ahdahm's sin. That sin of Ahdahm had forever after changed (as it were) the "plan of YHWH" as applies to us for doctrine.

The Torah informs us that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). From that, the Scriptures further explain that, "Wherefore, as by one man [[ i.e., Ahdahm ]] sin entered the world, and death [[ entered the world ]] by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." (Romans 5:12.)

When Ahdahm sinned, death entered in.

Ahdahm's sin is why we now die. And it is also why we now wear clothes rather than remaining nude, according to B'reisheet 3:21.

The fact that we now wear clothes and do die is the proof that we are no longer under any perceived "original plan".

So what has YHWH planned for us instead? He gave us "the second Ahdahm", which is Yahushua, that we might have life everlasting in Him.

"And so it is written,
The first man, Ahdahm, was made a living soul;
the last Ahdahm [[ which is Yahushua ]] was made a quickening spirit."
1 Corinthians 15:45.

The first Ahdahm brought death by his sin. The second Ahdahm, which is Yahushua, brought life by His righteousness.

"Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual,
but that which is natural;
and afterward that which is spiritual.
The first man is of the earth, earthy:
the second man is YHWH from the heavens.
1 Corinthians 15:46-47.

Ahdahm was of the flesh, while Mashiach is of the Spirit.

Because Romans 8:1 shows us that we are to walk in the Spirit and not according to the flesh, we are certainly NOT supposed to follow after the example of the first Ahdahm (who was of the flesh), but after the second Ahdahm (who is of the Spirit), which is Yahushua.

With this now realized that we follow after the "second Ahdahm", Yahushua, we look to Yahushua as the example set for us in the true and current "plan of YHWH for marriage". And this is explicitly confirmed and explained for us in Ephesians 5:22-25.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto YHWH. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as the Mashiach is the head of the assembly: and he is the Savior of the body. Therefore as the assembly is subject unto Mashiach, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Yahushua also loved the assembly, and gave himself for it".
Ephesians 5:22-25

This is very explicit. The "plan of YHWH for marriage" is detailed as being modeled after, not the example of the first Ahdahm (of flesh) and his wife Chavah, but after the example of the second Ahdahm, which is Yahushua (of Spirit) and His assemblies.

Following this model, each husband is to love his wives as selflessly, "footwashingly", and life-givingly as Yahushua so loves the assemblies (that He laid down His life in the depth of such love). So too, each wife is to love her husband as each assembly so loves the one and only Yahushua HaMashiach.

As there is only one Mashiach for the assemblies, there is only one husband. And as there are more than only one assembly loved by Mashiach, it would not be sinful if there be more than one wife, of course.

This is confirmed, of course, by the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Mattithyahu 25:1-13. The Master Yahushua HaMashiach described Himself as the polygamist Bridegroom for the "five wise virgins", which are the assemblies.

So, in conclusion, what we see is that the "plan of YHWH for marriage" is very explicitly NOT after the model of the fleshly, death-causing first Ahdahm and his (Scripture-recorded) apparent "one" wife, Chavah.

Rather, the Scriptures are clear that the current "plan of YHWH for marriage" is after the model of the Spiritual, life-bringing second Ahdahm, Yahushua, and His assemblies.

This article is copied from with unauthorized edits. (Changing the names to the Hebrew, etc)

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